Wednesday, May 29, 2019

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - The Up-Roaring Twenties :: free essay writer

The Great Gatsby The Up-Roaring TwentiesThe 1920s in America were a decade of great social change. From spirt to politics, forces clashed to produce a very Roaringdecade. Jazz sounds dominated the music industry. It was the age ofprohibition, the age of prosperity, and the age of downfall. It wasthe age of everything, and this can be witnessed through the apologue byF. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby. The Roaring Twenties helpcreate Gatsbys character. Gatsbys participation in the bootleggingbusiness, the extravagant parties he throws, and the wealthy, cargonlesslifestyle the Buchanans represent are all vivid pictures of that timeframe. It turns out, although he was used and abused by all the peoplewhom he thought of as friends, Jay Gatsby turned out satisfactory in theend. (Fitzgerald 6) It almost seems as if he is better off dead,according to the narrator, because all his so-called friends eitherdeserted him or used him for their own in the flesh(predicate) gain. There are s ignsof this all throughout the novel, but it is especially evident in thefinal chapters. In chapter seven, when Myrtle Wilson is killed, Daisyaccepts no responsibility for Myrtles death. She just sits back andlets Gatsby take all the blame for her actions. Gatsby is very willingto do so, because of the love he has for Daisy. All Gatsby can thinkabout later on the accident is what Daisy went through, it was as ifDaisys reaction was the only thing that mattered. (Fitzgerald 151)Gatsby stands outside of Daisy and Toms house for hours, waiting for asign from Daisy that things were alright. I hope to wait here tillDaisy goes to bed. (Fitzgerald 153) Inside, as she talks with Tom,Daisy shows no remorse, she just continues with her life as if it neverhappened. In chapter eight, Gatsby recounts for Nick all the memorieshe has of Daisy and him together. She was the number 1 nice girl hehad ever known. (Fitzgerald 155) ...Daisy, gleaming like silver...(Fitzgerald 157) This makes it especia lly hard for Nick to see Gatsbystill in love with Daisy. While just about Gatsby, Daisy either pretendsto be, or is in love with Gatsby. This is evidenced when Daisy pulledhis (Gatsbys) face down kissing him in the mouth. (Fitzgerald 122)Then when she is in her kitchen with Tom after Myrtles death, therewas an unmistakable air of natural intimacy...they were conspiringtogether. (Fitzgerald 152) In the final chapter, Gatsbys funeraltakes place however, no friends that had frequented his parties,with the exception of owl-eyes, bother to come to his funeral.

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